I'm Anna.
I write poetry, flash fiction, book reviews, essays, & sometimes other things. I like to share my work, collaborate, & engage with live audiences. I also like to help other people with their writing. Please inquire with submission requests, commission inquiries, essay tutoring questions, &/or invitations to lavish galas.
Anna Genevieve Winham writes at the crossroads of science and the sublime, cyborgs and the surreal. Anna serves as the Editor-in-Chief for Passengers Journal and the Development Director for the Poetry Society of New York. She was formerly the Journal Coordinator for Oxford Public Philosophy, and she won Ninth Letter's 2020 literary award in Literary Nonfiction for a "notable" essay in Best American Essays 2021. Anna writes and performs with PSNY, moonlighting as Velvet Envy in The Poetry Brothel.
Her prose appears or is forthcoming in We'll Have to Pass, Brooklyn Magazine, The Oxford Review of Books, Grist Journal, Meetinghouse Magazine online, and others. You can find her poetry in New York Quarterly, Wild Roof Journal, High Shelf Press, Cathexis Northwest Press, and others. While attending Dartmouth College (which was the pits), she won the Stanley Prize for experimental essay and the Kaminsky Family Fund Award.
My work sprawls across genres, picking up tricks from one and weaving them into another. I'll just as soon spit a slam poem as pen a three sentence short story and leave it in a library book. My background in linguistics, literary criticism, and neuroscience combined with my performing experience gives my work multiple vantage points from which to launch. My interests are the intersections of power, language, culture, history, and octopodes.
I love connecting directly with an audience, whether the occasion is a one-on-one poetry reading or a performance to an auditorium of thousands. I think language begs to be spoken, and poetry yearns to be heard. This has led to my interest in immersive theatre with The Poetry Brothel, enthusiasm for PSNY's Typewriter Project, and a very earnest four years of collegiate slam poetry.
I have several years' experience assisting high school students with their college application essays. My students have received acceptances from such schools as Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Cornell, Wake Forest, University of Miami, Acadia, and Bocconi University Summer School.
I also provide feedback on manuscripts for novels, poetry collections, and scripts & treatments.